Thread: IE 7 Beta
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Old May 3rd 06, 05:37 PM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default IE 7 Beta

It is still Beta. (Testing). Wait until it's done and then try it.

From MVP Robear Dyer:

Beta testers of IE7 Public Preview are asked to post their comments to
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.

On the web: general

In your newsreader:
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"Terry" wrote in message
ARRRGH! I have decided to TRY IE 7, and have the following comments:

Some of the pages in the Microsoft site (most specifically, Small Biz +)
NOT SUPPORT IE 7!!! Arrrrrgh.

I don't like it anyway. Does anyone else have any comments on this, and
idea of where to tell M%?
