Am Wed, 3 May 2006 14:58:02 -0700 schrieb UKHumanWizards:
You can use the Task reminder. When it fires check if itīs the time you want
to and move the reminder time forward for one hour.
Hereīs a sample in German btu the code should be clear:
It uses the DateAdd function to move the reminder for one day. With
DateAdd("h", 1, oTask.ReminderTime)
you get the next hour.
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
-- --
Can anyone help me with the following query.
I need to write a piece of code that will allow me to carry out the
following function or is there something already out there?
I want to e-mail a defined group of contacts a simple message: "It's time
Upload your scanner now please.", and need it to be recurring at
past the hour between 06:00 and 20:00 hours.
I am sure that it must be achievable because the IMP.Task form that
exists, but that only allows for a recurrence to be set on a daily basis
I can't work out how to change the frequency.
Please help!