Have you tried using both the First name and the Last name fields to
overcome the problem where some are "back to front"
Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message
Examine how the Full Name field is parsed in Outlook for those Contacts
that do not print out in the order you want.
Russ Valentine
"ab" wrote in message
This all looks so complicated for what I want!
The template I created was for the size of label I use - it has 3 labels
across and 8 down. I have been creating auto text entires in the template
for the contacts I use quite frequently but as the number grows, this
won't be very satisfactory.
I decided that the "insert address" button could be useful to insert
addresses from Outlook as I never want to do a complete mailmerge (from
Access). I type letters on a fairly individal basis so just need to open
a document based on my label template and insert the address in whichever
cell I have got to on my sheet of labels.
The problem is that sometimes the order of the contact name details
varies - e.g. John Smith Ltd can come out as "Ltd John Smith ...."
Sometimes the order is correct. There is no problem with the mailing
I have checked the details in Outlook and the names and mailing addresses
appear to be OK so I am not sure whether the problem is in Word or
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message
Clarify what you mean by "template." You need to pay attention to how
you created the address block in this template and to how you are
actually inserting the address.
To learn about ways to control how an Address is inserted into Word from
Outlook, take a look he
More recent versions of Office (XP and 2003) are less predictable when
it comes to inserting addresses. Modifying AddressLayout in Word
2002/2003 will apply only to addresses inserted into a document, but not
to Envelopes or Labels. The KB offers the following kludgy workaround:
Russ Valentine
"ab" wrote in message
I have a template for labels in Word 2003. When I insert addresses from
Outlook the format of the address is not how it appears to be on the
address cards. Sometimes, the name is 'back to front' - other times,
it's correct. Although I have been using Word extensively for years,
using Outlook in this way is rather new to me. I would appreciate some
help, please.