why cant i send email from a hotel?
I would contact the supplier of the email access from the Hotel. They are
used to working with various ISPs and connections and will most likely have
the solution based on their setup, not the ISP.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, mark mac asked:
| I haven't yet contacted my supplier as their email support is a £1
| per minute line from the U.K. never mind i am in Canada. Was hoping
| to avoid contacting them at all really. Probably should now, but can
| you explain what i need ask? Many thanks for the reply!!!
| Mark
| "Vanguard" wrote:
|| "mark mac" wrote in message
|| ...
||| I can send and receive emails from my home using outlook, but once i
||| leave my
||| connection, i can only receive email. I am new to the wieless
||| network thing
||| and i have tried the FAQ's but still i am having no luck. I get
||| messages to
||| say that i should contact my ISP or server admin but the email works
||| perfectly from home so i think i have a problem with how outlook is
||| working
||| when i leave my connection. Any answers greatly appreciated. Thanks
|| Did you configure the e-mail account so you authenticate to your
|| ISP's mail server (since you are coming from off-network)? Also,
|| when coming from off-network, many ISPs require you to use
|| non-standard ports and other settings, like SPA or SSL. What did
|| your ISP say when you called their tech support?
|| --
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