It's not clear from your post exactly what you're trying to do. It could be any of the following:
1) Copy a custom field from the design of one custom form to the design of another custom form
2) Convert items using a particular custom form so that they use a different custom form
3) Create a new custom form based on an existing form
The only "information" that a custom form contains is the information about its user interface, the fields it supports, and the code behind it.
Please let us know what you're trying to accomplish.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
wrote in message
I want to convert one outlook contact form to another outlook contact
form. I have read some posts that talk about using microsofts form
converion tool to do so. I have not seen however any information that
talks about someone doing this and the custom information from one form
gets transfered to the other. Specifically I have one custom field I
would like to travel to the different form. Any words of wisdom?