Thread: Newsgroups
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Old May 12th 06, 05:33 PM posted to
Ron Cardwell
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Newsgroups


This answers most of my questions. I will work with news untill I
understand it better.


"Bruce Hagen" wrote:

You're not posting using OE right now. From your message headers;
X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000, which is the Web Interface.

However, let me give you some of my personal preferences. YMMV.

OE only mirrors what is on the newsgroup, however, when you delete posts,
compacting is needed just as it is for e-mail. When you subscribe to a
newsgroup, a .dbx file is created in the message store folder. In OE, see
Help | About, for the location. These are files you cannot open without
using OE. If you try, all you will see is gibberish.

Uncheck: Get XXX Headers at a time.

If you want to download newsgroups, but don't want hundreds, or thousands,
of messages, you can create a message rule such as this:

ToolsMessage RulesNews.

Box 1: Where the message was sent more than days ago
Box 2: Delete it & Stop processing more rules
Box 3: Click on "Days" and choose the # of days you want.
Name the rule.

In ToolsOptionsRead - Uncheck: Get XXX headers at a time. When you go to,
or subscribe to a newsgroup, it will only download the messages for the
number of days you selected.

To delete messages, there are many options.

You can create a message such as this:

ToolsMessage RulesNews.

Box 1: Where the message was sent more than days ago
Box 2: Delete it
Box 3: Click on "Days" and choose the # of days you want.
Name the rule.

*NOTE* This will not delete messages automatically. You have to go to
RulesNews, and click Apply Now when you want to do this. Also, you will be
given a choice of which newsgroup, or news server, to delete from after you
click Apply Now.

If you want to delete a selection of messages, but not the first or last,
click on the last message you want to delete, scroll up as far as you want
to delete messages, hold down the Shift key and click on that message. This
will highlight the messages in blue. Hit the Delete key.

If you want to delete every message after a certain one, click on the newest
message you want deleted. Hold Ctrl+Shift and tap the End key, then Delete.

If you want to delete all messages in a newsgroup, highlight any message -
Hold Ctrl & A and tap Delete.

If you want to delete sporadically spaced messages, hold the Ctrl key while
you click on each one to highlight and then use the Delete key.

Any way you do it, follow up by compacting all your folders *manually* while
working offline, and in Outlook Express at the top of the Folder Tree.

FileWork Offline (or double click Working Online in the Status Bar).
FileFolderCompact all folders.

In ToolsOptionsMaintenance: Uncheck: Compact messages in background. {N/A
if running XP-SP2}.

Depending on the news server, messages are deleted from the server after a
period of time. This group was 60 days last I checked, but they all vary.
Some are longer, and some are just a few days.

I hope this answers a few questions for you.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"Ron Cardwell" wrote in message
I am using OE6 as news reader. Still does not answer my questions.


"Bruce Hagen" wrote:

The first step is to ditch the clunky Web Interface where you are posting
from and set up OE as your newsreader. After that, the rest is easy.

Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"Ron Cardwell" wrote in message
I am new to reading news. I have a few questions. 1. When I pick a
and the messages are shown on screen are they on my computer? If they
my computer where are they stored? If I want to clear them out later
do I
do this? I know that when I go back to the newsgroup it knows the ones
opened how does it know if they are not on my computer? How do I access
that are not shown on screen ie groups shows 1000 messeges but only 30
show up on my screen? Where can I go to learn more about how news

