And I guess my intro line does not help at all, either, eh?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
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After furious head scratching, Ben M. Schorr - MVP asked:
| Aloha Dina,
| should probably ask your pediatrician. This newsgroup is
| for technical support of Microsoft's Outlook product. While there
| may be any number of folk in here with personal experience in the
| area I doubt that many here are qualified to give you medical advice.
| -Ben-
| Ben M. Schorr, MVP
| Roland Schorr & Tower
| Microsoft OneNote FAQ:
|| Hi,
|| Since our baby was born, about 3 months ago, he is developing heavy
|| dandraf on his scalp, we oiled it and cleaned it but it comes back,
|| any ideas?
|| Thanks,
|| Dina