Bruce Hagen wrote:
If nothing happens when you click a link:
Open Windows Explorer.
Go to Tools | Folder Options | File Types.
Scroll down to {NONE} URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol and select it.
Click Edit or Advanced, depending on your Windows version.
Select 'open'.
Click Edit.
"Application used to perform this action" should read:
(Check the path to iexplore.exe to make sure that is correct and use
the double quotes.)
DDE should be checked and in the boxes below it you should have:
#3 (blank)
URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy should be the same.
Sometimes it is necessary to uncheck Use DDE.
If you get a blank page:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type:
regsvr32 urlmon.dll
3. Click OK, and then click OK again when you receive the following
DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded.
4. If that doesn't fix it, see this article:
5. If you are using WinXP try this:
You can also try this:
Go to Start/run, and type SFC (msconfig for WinXP).
Choose 'Extract One File From Installation Disk' ("Expand File" for
WinXP). Type oleaut32.dll, not worrying about its location. Then,
click Start.
Next to 'Restore From', type in or browse for the file's location,
which is probably in the Win98 (i386 for WinXP) folder of your
installation CD-ROM (typically D:\Win98), or in your
Windows\Options\Cabs (Windows\i386 for WinXP) folder, as the case may
Then, next to 'Save File In', enter C:\Windows\System
(C:\Windows\System32 for WinXP), and click OK. System File Checker
(or msconfig) looks for the file, saves it as you requested, and then
tells you that 'the file has been successfully extracted'.
You may need to reboot.
"Annie Hall" wrote in message
When pressing a link in an incomming e-mail, it does not switch to
the applicable web site....what to do?
Annie Hall
I have similar problem. But only some links in OE bring up a blank page. The
link you provided:
Takes me to a blank page (The page cannot be displayed) with the error
message "Invalid syntax error"
This link (below) works and takes me to the infoweek site:
This is inconsistent however. Sometimes links from certain newsletters will
work and next day they bring up the Syntax error message. Links from other
newsletters always work.
I tried the manual "regsvr32 urlmon.dll" and that didn't help.
I copied and pasted the above mvps link and ran that but that did not help.
I did the "Go to Tools | Folder Options | File Types" and that is OK.
After typing "this" message and clicking "send" I opened this message up in
my "outbox" and the "mvps" link now works. I went back to your original
message and the link will not work. And now all of a sudden the link does
work in your original reply. But the:
Gets me a page not found error.
This is very confusing to me as I'm sure my post is to you.
I again clicked send "this" message and opened it up in my outbox. None of
the links in my section of this post worked. All said "Syntax error". I then
open up another newsletter and click a link and that works. Then I go back
to my outbox and all the links in my section of this post work.
I notice a lot of people asking about similar problems with OE all of a
sudden. Something goofy is going on.