Easy. Turn on Advanced Toolbar. Show the Contacts folder in Phone List
view. Click the Field Chooser to turn it on. Use the New button at the
bottom of the Field Chooser pop up window and make a new field that is a
numerical field (change from Text). Drag that new field into the column
header row (eg beside name) and release. You now have an empty field. Put
the numbers in there and click that column header to sort by it.
Judy Gleeson - MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Canberra, Australia
When you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode (if
applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About. Also
include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent details.
Be sure to put a concise summary of your question in the subject line, and
the full details in the body of your post.
"dtcre" wrote in message
I have a list of Outlook contacts that I want to xfer to another database
retain them in the exact order they are currently in. The current order
is a
random one. So I want to assign a sequential numerical value to each
so that when I get them in the new database, I can do a sort on the
with the sequential numerical values, the contacts will line up in the
order they are currently in.
Is it possible to do?
(would like to be able to do it without using Business Contact Manager,
do have the program if that is only way to do it.)
Thanks muchly