OE 6, KB911567, Windows Update, and fixing the problem
FWIW ...
I just ran into the Outlook Express -- KB911567 -- no contacts problem
(described at http://www.insideoe.com/ and several threads in this
newsgroup) at a customer's home. This was on a brand-new Dell
desktop, into which I had imported Outlook Express settings from a
Windows 95 box using IntelliMover
Mr. Koch suggests uninstalling the update and "Then go to Windows
Update and select Custom Install. There you can select to hide the
update from being shown in the future." When I went to Windows
Update, the "Hide this update" box was grayed-out and I couldn't
select it. So I had to fix the problem; the update was going to get
re-installed no matter what I did. Since my customer didn't have any
groups, just one flat address book and one identity, this should not
have been a big deal.
I had some difficulty fixing it; I moved the bad WAB file to where OE
wouldn't find it. Then with KB911567 installed and a working but
empty address book, I tried to import default.wab ... and it wouldn't
do it.
So I went through the whole schmear again, except this time I exported
the address book to a CSV, which imported just fine after
re-installing KB911567.
So Microsoft's fix (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917288/) doesn't
always work (gosharootie, that's surprising), and you may well not be
able to prevent KB911567 from appearing on the critical update list.
Replace nospam with group to email