How to use OE as a News Reader App only
"W C Hull" substitute1stInitial2ndInitialLastName51@hotmaill .com wrote
in message ...
I have switched from Outlook Express to Outlook as the spam filters are
awsome. I now only want use OE for newsgroups and I'm concerned that
if I have OE open for an extended period of time and Outlook closed, OE
might decide to download the email my old mailbox. Is there anything
special I need to do to allow me to send and receive newsgroup posts
but prevent regular email from being downloaded?
So why did you leave e-mail accounts defined within Outlook Express if
you are no longer going to use it for e-mail? OE won't retrieve from
accounts that aren't defined. You can also add the /outnews
command-line switch to OE to force it to only support newsgroups (e-mail
functions become disabled).
Post replies to the newsgroup. Share with others.
For e-mail: Remove "NIX" and add "#VN" to Subject.