Custom Rules
I'd like to set up something to send an acknowledgment to certain
emails. The actions I want to do are not supported by the Rules
Wizard, so basically if an email has a certain string in the subject or
body I want to run some code.
In more detail the code the look for an ID withing the above string and
then use this as a value in a SQL statement on an Access database to
get the correct email to send an acknowledgement to (it has to be a
different email than what it originates from for security puroposes).
Another factor is we use Scalix as our email server.
I'm really not sure how to begin. I think I can handle the SQL and
sending mail stuff, but, I don't know how to make a rule or how Scalix
plays into things.
I'd consider an add in too that could do this.
Thanks for any help.