On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 07:25:43 -0800, zocalo wrote:
Whenever I click a link in Outlook, IE causes a new window to open every
single time. This happens even if the link is to the same website. For
example, I click a link to an item listed on Ebay. A new window is opened.
Then I may click on another link to Ebay for an item, even in the same email,
and another window opens. Before when I was using Outlook Express, a new
window did not open when I clicked additional links in the same piece of
email. It simply used the same window to move me to another item on the same
website. Is there a way to prevent all these extra windows from opening?
Thank you.
Yes there is, and PLEASE do NOT click the "suggestion" box if you are in
fact NOT making a suggestion, which you are not, you are asking a question.
In IE (or control panel) go to Internet Options and click on Advanced.
Scroll down to the option which says "re-use windows......" and check it.
Gordon Burgess-Parker
Interim Systems and Management Accounting