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Old May 27th 06, 10:28 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 21
Default I'm an iD10T, I know, but now I need to recover from it...

It is already set to zero (0). That doesn't seem to be the right thing
either then... Sorry. Maybe I need to screen capture the error? would that

"Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE" wrote:

"dirtycar74" wrote in message
I know I'm an iD10T but that's neither here nor there... I was working late
the other night moving things around, making archives and deleting old
and accidentally deleted the wrong logical drive; the one that housed my
store folders... Major OOOPS! Of course, now I can't even get OE6 to
up so I can just start with a new store folder(s). I need help please -
where do I go from here? I don't think I can "un-delete" the logical
but in case someone out there has a miracle, I haven't re-created a new
logical drive yet (left it unallocated for now in hopes it is some how
recoverable). I'm running XP Pro w/ SP2 and the latest updates. My
may be older, but it works darn it! I'd like to keep it that way, so only
serious replies please. Thanks!

To fix things so that OE will start:

Go to Start | Run and type
and press Enter.

In the left pane navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{GUID}\Software\Micro soft\Outlook Express\5.0
Where {GUID} is that big long number.

In the right pane right click on "Launch Inbox" and select Modify.
Change the one (1) to a zero (0).

Close Regedit and try OE.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
"Anyone who prefers security over freedom deserves neither."
