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Old May 29th 06, 06:17 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 4,696
Default Reduce gigantic icon size in 2007 beta?

Well, since you have never used Office or Outlook before, what are you
complaining about? The GUI?

Yeah, that is the most important thing about a software program. Not
whether it works, or whether it gets your work done faster, or whether it
makes more options easilty discoverable.

No, it is whether the buttons are a few pixels too big or the colors don't

As for Microsoft trying to weed out the pirates, only those folks who have
been caught have a reason to complain about WGA or OGA (did I hear an ouch?)
Corporations have a right to protect their copyrighted and IP products or
don't you think that it should apply to MIcrosoft? If you haven't used
Windows Update or Office Update in years, how do you know what happens or
are you just parroting what your penguinista friends (all of whom have
completely abandoned the Microsoft platform/programs, yeah, right!) have
told you to say?

WGA did not start until last year and OGA did not start until a couple of
months ago. If you have not used Windows/Microsoft Update or Office Update
in years, then yes, please move to Linux as we don't need another clueless
Windows user who does not update their machine, leaves it open to viruses
and compromises, and otherwise does not know diddly about computer usage,
maintenance and security updates.

Have fun using Linux - there are many windows managers (note the use of the
small "w") so I am sure you will be able to find some eye candy that suits
your discriminating taste. And good riddance from the Windows world where
you are a blight on other users. Get used to the weekly updates from
Linux, or do you intend to blithely ignore all of those security updates as

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Melelina asked:

| I have never used Outlook or Office before (just OE and Word) so I
| wouldn't know how difficult it was to find something in earlier
| versions of Office. I didn't even know that Outlook can't do NGs. I
| was just curious about Office and thought I might some day want to
| purchase it so I downloaded the 2007 beta to see what Office is all
| about. I am not a bit impressed. Comic book GUIs just don't do it for
| me and are unworthy of Microsoft unless they intend Office 2007 to be
| for kids. The GUI is the most important element in any piece of
| software. Surely, I don't need to point that out. I won't be using
| IE7 (which I have tested) either because of the horrible GUI. I could
| get used to most of that terribly awkward GUI but not the placement
| of the refresh button in the most stupid of locations. I won't be
| using Vista either partly because of its horrible GUI.
| As for moving to Linux, that sadly is not a choice but mandatory now
| and everyone I know has already moved or is moving (or buying Apple
| computers). When Microsoft decides that it has the right to force WGA
| and the WGA notification tool on everyone (WGA is forced in the
| installer for IE7 - I haven't used WU/MU for years now so I haven't
| been forced to acquire it there) and assumes all its customers are
| thieves and checks constantly to see if you haven't been a thief five
| minutes ago but are now and when WGA from IE7 cannot be uninstalled
| but instead has to be cracked to kill it...well, that is when any
| self respecting person who values privacy, freedom and liberty
| says..."That's it. I've had enough. I can't respect myself if I stay
| with MS and Intel hardware DRM chips" and one buys up Pentium 4's
| before they become unavailable and moves to Linux.
| "Milly Staples - MVP Outlook"
| wrote in message
| ...
|| No, Office 2007 does not allow for the classic look. If all you care
|| about
|| is the GUI and not the improved access to and exposure of features
|| that one
|| had to hunt for, if one even knew they existed, then I am sure that
|| this suite is a disappointment to you.
|| However, for many of us, me included, I have found it to be far more
|| responsive and usable than previous versions of Office. I have
|| been able to accomplish some things I did not know existed with only
|| one or two mouse
|| clicks.
|| This is far more valuable to me than the "window dressing" but YMMV.
|| By the way, good luck with Linux. I am sure they will be happy to
|| welcome another Microsoft user to their ranks. eg
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Melelina asked:
||| Well, then I'm out of here. You are telling me that Office 2007 will
||| not allow the classic look? I understand that Vista will so why
||| won't Office and why doesn't it do so in the beta version? That is
||| the problem. I don't use XP look. I use classic and that allows me
||| to choose smaller icons. It doesn't have much to do with window
||| size or the screen resolution although XP does force, even in
||| classic look, larger icons than 98SE where they can be made as tiny
||| as you want (but this is partly because XP doesn't allow you to
||| make the task bar extremely narrow like 98SE does). XP look doesn't
||| allow small icons because it is intended for children who like
||| cartoons and for the visually impaired as gigantic icons are not
||| needed by persons with normal vision. I gather Vista is the same
||| but it will allow for the classic look for those who can't stand XP
||| and Vista looks is what I have read so Office 2007 should also. It
||| doesn't matter that much to me as I see that DRM is part of Office
||| 2007 and that is that. I'm off to learn Linux for many reasons
||| (Microsoft's insistence that they need to check every few minutes
||| to see if I am an honest person or not is enough to make any self
||| respecting person leave Windows as soon as they master another
||| operating system).
||| "Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
||| ...
|||| only by changing the window size or your resolution.
|||| --
|||| Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
|||| Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
|||| Need Help with Common Tasks?
|||| Outlook Tips:
|||| Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:
|||| Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:
|||| "Melelina" wrote in message
|||| ...
||||| Is there a way in Outlook 2007 beta to reduce the size of the
||||| icons in the Navigation pane and across the top of the page? They
||||| are GIGANTIC. Horrible looking. It makes Outlook appear to be a
||||| comic book instead of a business application. I will never use
||||| this version of Outlook (or Word for that matter) if I can't
||||| reduce the icon size to very small, neat and nice looking. I also
||||| cannot see how to reduce the font size for the listings in the
||||| Navigation pane. That is also way too large.
||||| I like the size of the icons on the top of the "inbox page". Those
||||| are nice and small and neat. I hate the gigantic size icons on the
||||| "new message" page though. Why are those so huge? I don't have a
||||| vision problem with icons. I assume Microsoft must think everyone
||||| has low vision and thus needs gigantic icons. How do I change the
||||| size of the icons in the Navigation pane and on pages such as "new
||||| message" so they are very small and don't take up such a
||||| ridiculous amount of room?
