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Old May 29th 06, 09:23 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 21
Default New Dell laptop but won't produce £ or ? in Outlook Express

Please refer to the previous answer; there are more than one "English"
setups. Be sure that you have selected the one for UK and make sure that
your Dell setup is also set for said keyboard configuration. If it hasn't
ever worked on this laptop, the issue is more than likely going to be
resolved at the OEM (Dell), and I believe that there is more than the one
option they have already offered you (Character Map can be found, if
installed, at Start/Run/charmap.exe by the way). The Euro sign (€) is easily
produced using the method of holding [Alt] while typing 0128 (at least in my
configuration). My configuration doesn't show me how to use the Lira sign
using this method, unfortunately.

You spent a lot of money on your Dell, undoubtedly. Don't let them off the
hook so easily - they have technical assistance for new purchases, and you
deserve it. Use every aspect of that service until you are satisfied with
the results. It's what you pay so much for as part of the deal!

I hope that this helps. In any case, please address any reply/ies to the
newsgroup here so that others with similar issues can use this potentially
usefule information as well.


" wrote:

Thanks Frank.
Been there done that is already done; keyboard as well as language is
Dell said I'd have to use character map & copy/paste each time.

I have Outlook 2003 installed which we don't use yet, as main e mail
prog is Lotus; in Outlook e mails I see both symbols reproduce OK, so
its just Outlook Express.
