erased folder
Tools | Options | Maintenance | Store folder will reveal the location of your Outlook Express files. Press the Tab key to highlight the folder location, then Ctrl+C. Close OE, then Start | Run | Ctrl+V will put the location in the box - Click OK and you'll see the OE files. Otherwise, write the location down and navigate to it in Windows Explorer.
In Windows XP, 2K & 3K, the OE user files (DBX and WAB) are by default marked as hidden. To view these files in Explorer, you must enable Show Hidden Files and Folders under Start | Control Panel | Folder Options | View.
In Windows Explorer, click on the file and drag it to the Desktop. Open OE and create a folder with the *exact* same name as the one on your desktop. ***Copy a message from any folder to the new one. You MUST do this.*** Close OE. Go back to Windows Explorer and Click Desktop and drag the file from the Desktop to the OE store folder that you clicked on to reveal the .dbx files. Prompt - "Do you want to overwrite......."? Click Yes.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"lewis rothstein" wrote in message news:U5Ieg.33976$fG3.32613@dukeread09...
I deleted a folder in O.E. by error. I found the backup .dbx file but don't know how to retrieve the files so that I can paste them back into my recreated folder. Is there an easy solution? Thanks Lewis