Reduce gigantic icon size in 2007 beta?
Office XP and 2003 compatibility sounds good. At our school, half of our
PCs are still using Office 2000. We try to be meticulous with our licenses
and not upgrade without one (smile). I think MS will rethink the "classic"
menu thing. They even had one that emulated WordPerfect a while back (95 or
97). I think it will help sell the product. Even IE 7 lets you have the
menu bar. Having it available (why not with the alternate key as with IE)
would help newbies a lot. Those of us using the Beta will be used to the
ribbon by the time the product ships, but how about the people they want to
buy the product. Most of them are not as adventuresome as us.
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message
Milly is right. Only Office XP and 2003 will be supported with the
Compatibility Pack and Awareness Update