Problem with filling in Attachments
Hello NG,
I want to automatically open an TemplateFile (*.oft) an fill in the Subject
an some Attachments.
The template is opening fine and the Subject is correct too.
I get the following error when I fill in the attachments: Error # 446: No
named arguments; In Line: 1
Can someone help me fix this problem?
'##### Start Mailtemplate
'##### Declarations
Dim olApp As Object
olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim olInsp As Object
Dim olMail As Object
Dim olAtt As Object
olInsp = olApp.ActiveInspector
olMail = olInsp.CurrentItem
olAtt = olMail.Attachments
'##### Extend Subject
If Not TypeName(olMail) = "Nothing" Then
olMail.Subject = olMail.Subject & " - Projekt-Nr. " & getPrj
End If
'##### Fill-In Attachments from ListView
Dim i As Integer
With ListView1
For i = 0 To .Items.Count - 1
If .Items(i).Checked Then
1: olAtt.Add(Source:=DocPfad & .Items.Item(i).SubItems(2).Text)
End If
Next i
End With