I have checked this and it looks like the whole email body has been
K. Orland wrote:
If you right-click the body area and choose Select All do you see anything?
Sometimes there's a problem of font color matching background color.
Kathleen Orland
Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
"Keith" wrote:
I have just upgraded three machines to office 2003, outlook works fine
on two machines but the third has the blank email body problem on all
sent mails.
Has anyone come up with a solution to this:-
Every time I send a mail the recipient receives a blank mail, even the
mail within the sent items is blank. I have tried changing the mail
setting etc but as yet no solution.
The set up on the machine is identical to the other two machines; the
only difference is that this machine had an existing Outlook 2002
account set up that was imported when 2003 was installed. Therefore it
had an existing signature and folder set up, the other machines used
express previous to upgrade.
Email POP to a pipex account
Any help greatly appreciated