Transfering .dbx files from CD to OE
Create a new folder on your hard drive.
Copy the files from the CD to the new folder.
You must remove the Read Only attribute.
Highlight all of the dbx files, Properties, uncheck Read Only.
Files coming from a CD are Read Only.
Open OE, File, Import, File| Import| Messages| OE6| Message store
directory, then browse to the new folder.
Ron Sommer
"michgal2k" wrote in message
I had to restore my PC. I have a CD with my old OE data on it in the form
.dbx files. I have copied them to the new location - Documents &
Settings/..../Local Settings/Application Data/Identities/.......
The only file that copied fine is sent items. None of the other folders
showing when I open OE. I have tried creating the folder in OE and all
does is created a duplication entry in Windows Explorer.
Can someone give the corect directions on how to do this? I would so
appreciate it.