First shut down all running programs.
Run regedit and do a search for the word filemenu.
If you find a value called Nofilemenu under this key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer
NoFileMenu 01 00 00 00
Change the value of NoFileMenu to 0 and then reboot.
In case you have no experience in working in the registry, make sure you
back up. Below are some links about working in the registry:
backing up and restoring the registry
navigating in the registry
Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
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Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no charge for
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"hazel eyes" u22591@uwe wrote in message news:6130855a2f960@uwe...
Hi all I hope that you can help me here. Somehow the other day I clicked
something in OE 6 and my menu bar (FILE-EDIT-VIEW-TOOLS-MESSAGE-HELP )
disappeared. I have been using puter for about 4 years now and always
OE as main mail program.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out what I clicked on or how to get it
back. Yes I can still receive and send emails, but the real way was most
convenient. This way I cannot tell if messages going or not. It is very
frustrating not knowing what in heck I did to do this.
I know that if you click on "view" then "layout" a window comes up
what boxes should be checked to have that come back?
Or should I delete it and start over???
Any suggestions would be appreciated.