Hey Patrick,
Thanks for the reply. The certificate is fine; it doesn't expire until
2007. I checked all the details and they are fine. When I click the
"Certification Path" tab, the status indicates that the certificate is
OK as well. Ideas? The certificate is for mail.uni.edu
Patrick Schmid wrote:
Hi Chase,
The prompt means that something is wrong the security certificate your
server uses for your SSL/TLS connection. You cannot just disable the
prompt, you have to resolve the underlying security issue. This is a
security feature and the absence of a "never show this dialog again"
checkbox is on purpose.
Click on View Certificate in that dialog and see what the problem is. Is
the certificate expired? Does it have no signature or if it has a
signature, whose is it? You should be able to click through the tabs and
find that information. If not, let me know and I'll point you directly
to it.
Patrick Schmid
"Chase" wrote in message
When I start Outlook 2007, I get the following error:
The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that
cannot be verified. The revocation function was unable to check
revocation because the revocation server was offline. Do you want to
continue using this server?
This happens every time I start Outlook, and I'm not sure why. Is there
a way to disable this prompt, so it always uses this server?