Try using names without spaces or dashes and see if it helps. Or name them
something a little more distinctive.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
"Tommy Ipsen" wrote in message
Hi all
I'm using the Redemption.dll in Outlook VBA and trying to add a
distribution list as a member of another distribution list!
Code example:
Dim objMasterDL As Redemption.RDODistListItem
Dim objSlaveDL As Redemption.RDODistListItem
Set objSlaveDL = someMAPIFolder.Items.Add(olDistributionListItem)
'Code to add members to objSlaveDL, name it, save it (and close it?)
Set objMasterDL = someMAPIFolder.Items.Add(olDistributionListItem)
How should I add objSlaveDL as a member to objMasterDL? I tried resolving
the objSlaveDL against the AddressList corresponding to SomeMAPIFolder in
order to use the resulting AddressEntry as input for the AddMember method.
Unfortunately I received an ambiguous name error trying to resolve the
name of the objSlaveDL - either because several DL's exists with almost
similar names or because I'm running in Cached Exchange Mode?
The distribution lists I'm working with are the following:
"BB - Medlemmer" (Master DL)
"BB - Medlemmer - del 1 af 4" (Slave DL 1)
"BB - Medlemmer - del 2 af 4" (Slave DL 2)
"BB - Medlemmer - del 3 af 4" (Slave DL 3)
"BB - Medlemmer - del 4 af 4" (Slave DL 4)
When trying to resolve for example "BB - Medlemmer - del 4 af 4" against
the addresslist corresponding to the containing MAPI-Folder I receive the
"ambiguous..." error but if I delete all the other Slave DL's the one left
resolves without problems... :-/
I need to create the primary distribution list programmatically in a
public folder and the members are contacts from another public folder -
possibly several hundred contacts! Because of Exchange/Outlooks problem
with handling large distribution lists I create smaller distribution lists
which should the be added to the master list in the end! I'm using Outlook
2003 and to my knowledge we're running an Exchange 2000 server!
Hope you can help me out since I'm rather stuck right now...
Cheers, Tommy Ipsen