I am having the same problem as well. (The frequency of send/receive, be it
5 minutes or 1 minute, has NEVER been a problem for me...and I've been using
Outlook for YEARS.) A few months ago, I installed IE7 Beta 2 and, I believe,
shortly thereafter I began experiencing problems with Outlook 2003
sending/receiving mail. I wiped my system just a month ago and began using
Outlook 2007 with IE6 and I didn't have any issues. I downloaded IE7 the
other day (hoping that WMP11 w/URGE would somehow perform better - it didn't)
and I then began having the same send/receive problems. So, I'm going to
uninstall IE7 and see how that works. In the meantime, if anyone has any
other ideas, please let us all know.
Many thanks.
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote:
Every 5 min is too frequent and you should put the B, C, D and E in
different send and receive groups with different check times. Also - make
sure you have the latest updates.
On 5/1/06 7:27 PM, in article
, "fgdorsemaine"
I have 5 POP3 accounts in Outlook in 2 (send/receive) groups.
Accounts B, C, D and E are on the same host.
Group 1 (3 accounts)is checked every 5 minutes - Account A and B are
downloaded OK, Account C never.
Group 2 (2 accounts) checked every 30 mins, Accounts D and E always have
I can check manually C, D and E and messages download without problem
(individually not through the groups in Tools).
If I do a test through Tools | Email Accounts none of B, C, D and E find the
POP3 account. all are OK with SMTP. I have tried different values of Timout
with no improvement.
This setup had worked for years. Only new config on the system is IE7 b2.
Any Idea?
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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