Crash in GetMAPIOBJECT + Outlook 2007
I'm using the following code to get the IMAPIProp-Pointer to the
current Outlook mail window. Worked nicely so far. But when I'm testing
it with Outlook 2007 beta, the GetMAPIOBJECT call causes an exception.
If I perform the same steps as the program below does with OutlookSpy
and Outlook 2007 everything works nicely - so what am I doing wrong,
here? I'd be grateful for any ideas...
Outlook::_InspectorPtr spInspector = m_OLAppPtr-ActiveWindow();
if (spInspector)
IDispatch *pd = spInspector-GetCurrentItem();
if (pd)
Outlook::_MailItem *pMailItem = NULL;
const GUID local_IID_IMailItem = {0x00063034,0,0,
pd-QueryInterface (local_IID_IMailItem, (LPVOID *)&pMailItem);
if (pMailItem)
IUnknown *iu = pMailItem-GetMAPIOBJECT(); //Crashes in
Outlook 2007 Beta