Connection to server interupted
The problem you are experiencing may be caused for several reasons. Please perform the following steps to narrow down the problem.
Step 1: Disable Anti-Virus and firewall programs
This kind of issue may be related to your Anti-Virus or firewall programs. Therefore, please temporarily disable them and test the issue.
Note: Temporarily disabling the programs is only for our test. Please enable them immediately after the test.
If the problem still persists, please go to step 2.
Step 2: Start Windows in Clean Boot mode (For Windows XP)
Considering that this problem may be due to a conflict with some other program, try to start Windows in Clean Boot mode and perform a test. Please follow the steps below to do
1. Click Run in the Start Menu.
2. Type "msconfig.exe" (without the quotation) to start System Configuration Utility.
3. On the "General" tab, click "Selective Startup", and then click to clear the "Process System.ini File", "Process WIn.ini File", and "Load Startup Items" check boxes. You cannot clear the
"Use Original Boot.ini" check box.
4. On the "Services" tab, click to select the "Hide All Microsoft Services" check box, and then click "Disable All".
5. Click "OK", and then click "Restart" to restart your computer.
6. Test the issue again.
310353 How to Perform a Clean Boot in Windows XP
Return from a Clean Boot State
To exit the clean environment and return to Normal Mode, follow the steps below.
a. Click Start, click Run, type "msconfig" (without the quotation marks) in the Open box, and then click OK.
b. On the General tab, click "Normal Startup - load all device drivers and services".
c. Click OK. Click Restart when you are prompted to restart your computer.
If this issue still persists, please perform the following steps to create a new profile in Outlook:
Step 3: Create a new profile
Create a new profile to see if the problem is caused by the corrupt profile
1. Close Outlook.
2. Click Start, and click Control Panel. Click Mail or "Mail and Fax" icon.
3. Click Show Profiles. On the General tab, click to select the Prompt for a profile to be used check box.
4. Click Add and type a name for the new profile in the Profile name box.
Note: Please don't choose the same name of your original profile.
5. Choose Add a new e-mail account and click Next.
6. Choose your email type and type the necessary information.
7. Click Next and click Finish.
8. Reopen Outlook. Choose the new profile in the profile list and click OK.
Does the problem occur in the new profile?
NOTE: If the problem is resolved in the new profile, import your data from the original profile. You can refer to the following Knowledge Base article for information on how to import
Outlook data:
Q287070 OL2002: How to Back Up, Restore, or Move Outlook Data;en-us;287070
Scott Atkins MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook
Microsoft Technical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications
Thread-Topic: Connection to server interupted
thread-index: AcaLXn/crocHpAUsToibJ1LBDbqJsg==
From: =?Utf-8?B?cmVhbHRvcmZs?=
Subject: Connection to server interupted
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 17:49:01 -0700
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I am new to Outlook 2003. I had very high hopes as I wanted to use this as
my email and contact management program. I cannot send email. I get the
error message "sending reported error (0x800cccof). The connection to the
server was interupted. If problem persists contact your ISP. I use Comcast
for my ISP and Norton Internet Security 2006. PLEASE HELP ME! I thought
this was supposed to be a great program, but it looks like alot of people are
having trouble with sending emails.