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Old March 8th 06, 11:41 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default Only when i forward emails with attachements "550 relaying mail to" [domain] "is not allowed"

G'day hope someone can help........

I have an WIN XPSP2 using MS Office 2K3 Outlook SP2 as the default
email editior (using a POP3 mailbox) all MS updates have been installed
and configured.

However whenever i forward an mail with an attachement I recieve a "550
relaying mail to" [domain] "is not allowed".

I can create a new copy of the original email, attach the original
attachment and the email is successfully delievered.

FYI - My ISP hosts is also my mail host.

I'd appreciate any assistance

With Regards

