Multiple issues!!!!GRRRRR!
Hi All!
So here is first issue. Little note in bottom right hand side of
Outlook window frame says, for example"receiving 1 of 4
messages" then I don't get 4, I will get less or none at
all. I went to MS for their said to turn the filters off...yeah
well, they were off, so I turned them on and then right back off again
just incase it had become confused somewhere along the way. Still the
same. Then I called my IP to see if it was an issue with them. Went
through the whole rig-a-marole...nope, not them either...then on to
F-Secure, they had me turn off all the things they own to see if they
were the problem...nope, not there either. So now I'm back to it being
an Outlook problem. The emails that disappear without me ever seeing
them, don't seem to go anywhere else either, I searched high and low
for them. Any help there would be unbelievably appreciated.
Issue # 2: I receive 2 well know news papers nice and neatly every
morning in my inbox. They came this morning, and I dutifully began
clicking responsibly on the links to the stories. I was on my 4th
click, read it closed it, then went to the next. NOTHING!...I would
click on the link and the address of that link would come up in the
bottom of the Outlook window frame, and that would be it. Not even any
strange rumblings from the belly of my comp to indicate that it was
contemplating or in the process of getting me to where I wanted to go.
I went back to the other newpaper, and it is the same. But all of the
other links in other emails work fine.
Issue #3. While on my mission to figre this crap out myself I got to
the System Information thingie, via the Help buttom in Outlook. On the
tree there is a folder called Outlook 2000, and it has one subfolder
called Summary. When I click on Summary it tells me that "Outlook 2000
has not been either/or installed/started. Install and or start
application then press F5 to refresh" Hmmmm I say, I had no idea how
truly insane I was as to be able to convince myself that I had been
using this program for quite a while now and many of it's sub
capabilities, and all the while it wasn't even there...who knew! SIGH!
So outlook is installed, and I had it open when I was getting the
message that it wasn't, and simultaniously got this message in my
immaginary Outlook "another program is trying to access your
email...blah, blah blah" I have the option to deny, or allow for a
selected amount of time. help.......
Notes: I've done the Detect and Repair thing
-my O/S is xp pro/sp2
-my Outlook is 2000/sp3
thanks for any thoughts, ideas and or fixes...