You can have all users/PCs download all message from a POP3 mail server
by selecting Tools, Accounts, Mail, Properties, Advanced, Leave a copy
of messages on the server in all users/PCs. One or more of the
users/PCs should be set to delete messages from the server after a few
days or else the server mail account will eventually fill. However,
Sent messages will only be saved on the sending user/PC.
If your ISP offers IMAP mail server access, that is the way to go. IMAP
is designed for a single mail account to be shared by multiple PCs. The
IMAP mail is managed at the mail server.
If your ISP doesn't provide IMAP support, an option is to run your own
local mail server that accesses the ISP via POP3 and then provides IMAP
support to your local PCs. For an example of such a program, see:
Mercury Mail Transport System
Mike -
"B.W." wrote in message
I have two computers networked via an Ethernet cable. They share an
internet connection because the main PC is connected to a broadband
modem (not a router).
Is there a way both the computers can share the OE Inbox
At the moment whichever computer opens OE gets the emails that are
waiting to be downloaded.