File Assiciation
Yes, OE opens and seems to work fine. The only thing is that the file sizes
don't seem to change for the store folders files even though the email
messages in them change frequently. I thought the wrong file association
might have something to do with that.
"DGuess" wrote:
Does OE open? If so, do not worry with it. Just change the icon for it.
"Jim" wrote in message
It will not allow me to delete the dbx filetype. The "Delete" button is
"DGuess" wrote:
"Jim" wrote in message
Hi. While troubleshooting an unrelated problem, I accidentally changed
associated program for the files in my OE store folder and don't know
change it back to. I have since made the program association OE, but
think that's right, it's not the same icon that was there before (plus
don't remember OE opening whenever I clicked on the file, so that can't
correct). Can you please tell me what the proper association is for
files? Thanks.
Delete the dbx filetype.
Basically what you did was create a filetype for DBX and not change one.