No, Business Days go from 1 to about 22. We start from business day 1 on the
first business day of the following month.
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:
Aloha becca,
And this cycle repeats without break? i.e. the next BD after 5 resets to 1?
Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:
Hi Ben,
Business Day (BD) 1 certain info is requested
BD 2 a certain report is ran
BD 3 the corporate close occurs
BD 4 another report is ran
BD 5 recurring conference call to discuss earnings
Its basically looking at a calendar, renumbering the days of the month
ignoring weekends.
I hope this helps you to answer my question!
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:
Aloha becca,
By "same business day" do you mean "third thursday" or ?
Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:
We have events occurring on the same business days every month,
which fall on different calendar days of the month. Is there a way
to set up these recurring events on the calendar?