Tools, then Options, on general tab uncheck "Automatically log on to Window
Messenger", click Apply.
This seems to work for me, hope is does for you.
"Tim Kelly" wrote in message
| Bruce,
| Thanks for the reply. I tried deleting all from the Address Book. That
| seemed to work OK, but I got back out of OE and back in and still have
| unknown contacts there.
| I wonder if this has something to do with Windows Messenger. Every time I
| fire up OE, WM starts and I get these notices that people in the contact
| list have signed on/sent msgs, etc.
| I really want to totally get rid of this contact list.
| Again thanks for any help you can provide.
| Regards, Tim K.
| "Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
| ...
| Open the Address Book and hold down the Ctrl key while you click on
| address you want to remove to highlight them. Then right click | Delete.
| Your choice: In Tools | Options | Send, you might want to uncheck:
| Automatically put people I reply to in my Address Book. That's probably
| how so many got there.
| --
| Bruce Hagen
| MS MVP - Outlook Express
| ~IB-CA~
| "Tim Kelly" wrote in message
| news

| Hi, I'm pretty new to OE and need some help...
| Somebody else was on my computer and ever since then my contact list is
| full of entries that I do not want. I've tried deleting with no
| success... How do I get rid of these?
| Thanks