Thanks for the link... very helpful.
I did find the contact list I was seeing was due to the Windows Messenger
logon. I had to change the logon to my own .NET Passport account... I have
an empty contact list and my contact list in OE is now empty.
I may at some point just follow the instructions from the link you provided
to eliminate startup of WM when OE starts altogether.
Tim K
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Two things:
View | Layout. Uncheck: Contacts.
And see:
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Tim Kelly" wrote in message
Thanks for the reply. I tried deleting all from the Address Book. That
seemed to work OK, but I got back out of OE and back in and still have
unknown contacts there.
I wonder if this has something to do with Windows Messenger. Every time
I fire up OE, WM starts and I get these notices that people in the
contact list have signed on/sent msgs, etc.
I really want to totally get rid of this contact list.
Again thanks for any help you can provide.
Regards, Tim K.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Open the Address Book and hold down the Ctrl key while you click on
every address you want to remove to highlight them. Then right click |
Your choice: In Tools | Options | Send, you might want to uncheck:
Automatically put people I reply to in my Address Book. That's probably
how so many got there.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Tim Kelly" wrote in message
Hi, I'm pretty new to OE and need some help...
Somebody else was on my computer and ever since then my contact list is
full of entries that I do not want. I've tried deleting with no
success... How do I get rid of these?