Thread: Label 5160
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Old June 26th 06, 05:14 PM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default Label 5160

I use Corel Word Perfect, but I believe it is extremely similar.

Open the Address Book | Highlight all the addresses you want print. (Ctrl+A
will highlight them all). Right click | Copy.

For me, and Word should have the same options, Open Word | Format | Labels
and scroll down an select Avery 5160 | Edit | Paste.

Note that when I did this, the addresses flowed into different labels, but
if I selected Avery 5161, they were aligned perfectly, so you may have to
experiment a bit.

So you don't waste labels, print one page on plain paper and match it to a
page of labels first.

Hope this helps 'cause it's all I've got.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"Iceman142507" wrote in message
I have several hundred address contacts for wich I will like to print them
labels (5160) How can I print labels from outlook express?

Thank you VERY much in advanced.

IVAN CEJAS ( Lic. Real Estate Broker )
Floridian Sun Realty, Corp.
P.O. BOX 940758 Miami, FL 33194-0758
