Address Book
I have 6.0 of all those files
I'd like to know the full version (e.g., 6.00.2900.1234) of each file,
please. It'll tell me if you're up-to-date at Windows Update.
Please state your Windows version (e.g., WinXP SP2).
~PA Bear
Realt World-Service Professionals wrote:
I have 6.0 of all those files, and no its not still configured that way.
Michael I checked your way and I can not find the files, I did an about
and it showed the location but I can not find it, I don't know if its
going a different route then what I'm taking or what. Thanks for trying
to help me though.
"PA Bear" wrote:
Windows version? Is the machine fully patched at Windows Update?
OE Help About Files: What versions of WAB32.DLL, MSOE.DLL and
Is Address Book still configured to share contacts with OL?
~PA Bear
Realt World-Service Professionals wrote:
It didn't work, I tried to do it as you said. when I clicked finish it
went to the export file dialog box and said, 'error exporting address'
"PA Bear" wrote:
Address Book: File Export Other address book Select TXT file
(CSV) & save to your HDD (e.g., desktop) Import the saved CSV file
into OL. --
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,
Realt World-Service Professionals wrote:
I've been trying to export the addresses in my address book to
Microsoft Outlook. How do I do this? When I've tried it came up
with there was an error with exporting. I tried using the option
of letting it share contacts, but when I do that all my contacts
disappear till I set it where there are no shared contacts.