Importing contacts from Eudora Light
I want to set up four users on my computer all using Outlook 2002. We will
be transfering from Eudora Light where we each had our own Eudora.ini file
which defined the place mailboxes were stored, our own user names ,etc.
We want to share the same inbox in Eudora, but have our own contact list and
user name, and our own set of mailboxes.
In transferring nicknames (contacts) I have no trouble with my listing as my
nndbase.txt file is stored in the same folder as Eudora.exe. However, in
trying to import my wife's nicknames, stored in \Wife\Mail I fail as my
nicknames from \Eudora are again downloaded and Outlook seems to have no way
to find nicknames in other places. Is there something I am missing here?