Dear Robear Dyer (PA Bear),
Thanks for your msg.
I am using windows XP pro with SP2.
With Norton Antivirus 2006.
I will explain you in brief, what happens before causing this problem.
While I was closing outlook Express6, it triggered one msg asking compact
outlook msg to free disk space and then I pressed -yes
after that next day when I open OE6, I found all msg in some of the my
folders are disappeared and send items msg were corrupt.
I tried so many ways to get the data back by using recovery software’s, even
though I didn't succeed.
Hope you understands my problem completely.
awaiting your reply.
Althaf Khan
"PA Bear" wrote:
Windows version?
Why it happens:
Recovering data:
DBXtend (additional functionality)
DBXpress (faster, more powerful, with even greater functionality)
OEX (OE Enhancement Program)
Avoid Such Corruption in Futu
- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to local
folders created for this purpose.
- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.
- Disable Background Compacting [N/A in SP2] and frequently perform a manual
compact of all OE folders while "working offline". More at
- WinXP SP2 only: Do not shut down your machine while Windows is
automatically compacting your message store.
- Your anti-virus application's email scanning feature can also cause such
corruption. Disable it. It provides no additional protection.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,
Althaf Khan wrote:
Dear All,
I am facing a prolem with Outlook Express6.
Some of my *.dbx file sizes are automatically changed to 59KB and I lost
all the messages in that folder and my send item folder is currept. when
ever I am trying to open a msg it is displaing the following msg
"Message could not be displayed
Outlook Express encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this
message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try
Outlook Express "
So, what could be the problem?. Please explain me how to restore the my
folders back to its original stage. unfortunately i dont have any backup.
please mark a copy of your repply to
Thanks & Regards
Althaf Khan