Aloha teenzbutler,
Are the attendees all in your same time zone?
Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:
I use Outlook 2003 SP1. I have a problem when I select an All Day
appointment. This is what happens:
1. I double-click on a day in my calendar to create a new event
2. Click the Invite Attendees button and add my attendees
3. Type in the Subject
4. By default, the All day event is check marked
5. Click the Send button
When my attendees receive the invitation, their calendar reflects a
2-day event. This is what they see:
Start time: 6/28/06 5:00 pm
End time: 6/29/06 5:00 pm
This is causing a lot of issues. Is there anyway to change the "All
day event" to be 1-day only and have a Start time of 8:00 a.m. and an
End time of 5:00 pm?
Thanks in advance.