To rename a file, right click it, choose Rename.
Locate your (user.wab) file. put the mouse pointer over it, right click, a
menu will display, choose Rename, type your user name.old.
"Realt World-Service Professionals"
oft.com wrote in message
| Okay I know I'm being really stupid but how do you rename it like that? do
| you open it in another file/ and what file do you open it in if thats so?
| "Ken" wrote:
| Okay what do you mean remove?
| The remove is accomplished by renaming (user.wab) to (user.old) When
| starting Address Book it will not find a .wab file thus creating a new
| file.
| As we never deleted your existing file, only renamed it, it can be
| restored..
| Ken
| "Realt World-Service Professionals"
| oft.com wrote in
| ...
| | Okay what do you mean remove? Do you mean just remove from the folder
| do
| | you mean delete it completely?
| |
| | "Ken" wrote:
| |
| | Hi,
| |
| | The address book data is in a file with .wab extension, should have
| | user name in front (user.wab).
| |
| | If one removes this file the address book program will create a new
| blank
| | ..wab file.
| |
| | In this new address book you can add a couple of contacts then try
| export
| | them, if they export, we can perhaps assume the original .wab file
| | corrupt.
| |
| | I am on a WindowMe computer at this time so cannot give exact
| where
| | you will find the .wab file on a Windows XP system.
| |
| | Also think Windows XP hides some of it's files so you will have to
| | hidden files and folder", This option is in Folder Options, view
| | Folder Options can be found via Control Panel or opening My
| | choosing Tools, then on it's menu choose Folder Options.
| |
| | Assure Address Book is closed.
| |
| | Search for .wab, find your .wab file, rename user.old.
| |
| | Open address book, a new blank address book should display. As
| | above create a couple of contacts and try to export.
| |
| | Further instructions as to your reply.
| |
| | Ken
| |
| | "Ken" wrote in message
| | ...
| |
| | | Wow.
| | |
| | | Online support knowledge base does not have any articles on this
| error.
| | |
| | | Perhaps the Address Book file is corrupt. I will post back with
| kind
| | | of test to confirm.
| | |
| | | Ken
| | |
| | | "Realt World-Service Professionals"
| | | oft.com wrote
| | message
| | | news

| | | | Hey. It doesn't give an exact error number or anything. It just
| | back
| | | to
| | | | where you choose the text file thing, and above that it says
| | | exporting
| | | | address book'
| | | |
| | | | "Ken" wrote:
| | | |
| | | | Hi,
| | | |
| | | | Assuming you are exporting Outlook Express Address Book
| | File,
| | | on
| | | | it's menu selecting Export, then on it's expanding menu,
| | Other
| | | | Address Book, then selecting "Text File (Comma Separated
| what
| | is
| | | the
| | | | exact error you receive when trying to Export?
| | | |
| | | | Ken
| |
| |
| |