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Old June 29th 06, 04:20 PM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default Create Group Member

An e-mail template is not suitable for you?
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"AlanB" wrote in message
Thanks for describing .eml (basically e-mail). I realized too late that
it is e-mail embedded (template) with messages.

"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
.eml, (Basically E-mail), saves it as a template opening a new message
window with the info you have saved, as you see. If you saved it as .txt,
then you would have to start a new message and Insert | Text From File to
have the saved info added. (This is how we insert our *canned* replies).
.rtf is simply Rich Text, or HTML. IMHO, .eml in your case is the easiest
way to do what you want.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"AlanB" wrote in message

Now it is on desktop. Thanks for the instructions. I can easily click on
it every week. Then add short message to it and then click send.
what is .eml? Why not simply save in .rtf or txt format?

"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Now that you understand BCC, Go to Create Mail and start a *Standard*
message header that you would like to use. It can include the list of
members, and any other opening, worded any way you wish.

When it is completed: File | Save As and save to the Desktop as an .eml
file. Now you will have an envelope icon on your Desktop that when you
click on it, you will have a New Message window with your saved opening
& member list ready to go. Just add the new message.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"AlanB" wrote in message

I see now. You are right that others will see only header to: Alan in
my name. that is how they see it.

A good example: from: me to Mr. John Smith with bcc: to group list.

What it will look like to each member on the group list will be

From: Alan
To: Mr. John Smith

It makes sense now.

Since I want each member to know who are on the list, I will simply
list members by names (no email addresses) in email so each member
will know who are on the list.

By now, I know what to do.

"DGuess" wrote in message
You didn't really have to send it to anyone else, when you sent it,
with your name at the top, that's how the others would see it.

"AlanB" wrote in message
I see... you explain nicely.

I just got informed from one member from my list that he got it. I
just asked him to forward it to me. I want to see what it really
looks like.
For example, Jim will forward it to me. I want to see if in his to:
header is Jim only. In this case, I know my group email is safe.

Thanks for explaining filter.

"DGuess" wrote in message
Filtered. That mean someone has a message rule set up that looks
for the the words Undisclosed recipients, and if found, deletes
the email from the server or sends it to the junk mail folder, etc.
I know I do......... I also have some message rules set up for
Forwarded mail.

"AlanB" wrote in message

Thanks...I had thought of bcc: but i never thought of putting
group name there.

I just put my just name on the group list with bcc: to my name
and to: myself. It was then distributed to me as expected. It did
not display Undisclosed Recipient on to: header as you suggested.

I am going to test group email soon with addition of members on
the list on bcc: I have no way of knowing if others on group list
get them unless they notify me. I am going to ask one member to
forward this group email message to me. Nevertheless, I think it
will work.

You quoted: I would suggest putting your email address in the To
line to keep the Undisclosed Recipients from showing instead
which may be filtered upon. I understqand the first part, but I am
not clear on the rest of the sentence what "may be filtered".

Perhaps I will pick up later.

"DGuess" wrote in message
Put the group in the Bcc: line
Blind Carbon Copy

View | All Headers in the message window.

I would suggest putting your email address in the To line to keep
the Undisclosed Recipients from showing instead which may be
filtered upon.

"AlanTheBeginner" wrote in message
I know how to create group member via Address Book and then make
member selection. Since security comes first, I want to hide
members' email addresses as I distribute postings to them.

For example, when one of the group members open the posting from
distribution, she will see the member list in the group and
press properties to find their email addresses.

Is it possible to show the member list while hiding their email
