The full text of the error message would be helpful. That includes the
server name, server type, port number, socket error code, SSL, etc. For
best results, copy/paste the error message rather than retyping it. You
should be able to highlight the message text in the error window (hold
down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse over the text).
Then press Ctrl-C (hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the C key) to
copy the highlighted text to the Windows clipboard. You can then paste
that text into the problem description using the Ctrl-V key combination.
Some ISPs (the Wi-Fi network in your case) block access to other SMTP
mail servers while connected via them. (They block TCP/IP port 25
except to their own SMTP mail server.) The error messages may indicate
network is unreachable, access denied, or timeout errors (socket errors
10051, 10061 and 10060.) A workaround for this is to use the SMTP mail
server of the service that you connect via, but leave your other
settings the same. But in the case of a Wi-Fi service, they probably
don't have an SMTP mail server. In some cases you can use Port 587 or
465 rather than port 25 (specify in OE at Tools, Accounts, Mail,
Properties, Advanced). Your ISP is more likely to allow this port. The
SMTP mail server has to support this port. SMTP Authentication will
likely be required. In OE this is specified in Tools, Accounts, Mail,
Properties, Servers, Outgoing Mail Server, My Server Requires
Mike -
"KennyHubbard" wrote in message
Hi Steve,
Many thanks for the reply. I seem able to send email through their
even though I am not connecting through them. I am staying in a hotel
where I
can connect to the internet through a LAN cable from the room. In
order to
access the net I have to type in my room number and a password and I
pay for
the connection. I am then able to send email through my smtp server.
When I go downstairs to the lobby, I can connect to the public wi fi
network. You do not have to log in and it is free. That is when I get
problem with the email(I get my mail in from the pop server ok). The
difference I can see is that the wifi network is not secure.
Any ideas?
"Steve Cochran" wrote:
You need to contact your ISP. Very many will not allow you to use
SMTP server unless you are connected to them. Some, however, allow
you to
authenticate first with your username and password and then the send
allowed. You need to check with them to determine what you can do.
If they allow authentication, then you need to check the option under
| Accounts | Mail | Properties | Servers
"KennyHubbard" wrote in
My outlook is correctly configured to send email via my smtp
server. As
as I log onto a secure network with a username and password, the
email is
However, I recently moved to wi fi and when I log onto a public
network ie
no username and password, I cannot send the email. I am able to
mail. Outlook spits out an error along the lines of an error with
What do I do.