On Mon, 03 Jul 2006 22:17:18 -0400, StargateFan
On Mon, 03 Jul 2006 21:30:41 -0400, StargateFan
This has come up again so thought I'd ask if there was code one could
add to the "mailto" link to start new message that would add the email
bodies in? I know this one is a long-shot, but since it's a 50/50
type of deal, thought I'd ask anyway.
I need to do this when I send an email from home but that the
recipient might like to respond to to my work email address. Up till
now, I've just put a blurb with a "mailto" with my office email
address and left it at that. I'm hoping to get a little more
sophisticated, if that is indeed possible. Hopefully such a link, or
other process that might do the same thing, allows user to send
response to another location without having to do FW and then type or
copy/paste the correct email address.
Thanks in advance.
Hey, I kept searching as I often do, but this time found something.
Here's a partial fix to my problem above:
&subject=Subject goes here&body=Today is
July 3rd, 2006.
I found that the syntax for the body of the email is a pain. It would
mean putting a limited number of characters right into the mailto
syntax where I was hoping just to have something as easy as "body".
If there isn't an easier way other than the above, I will just have to
be happy with getting a reply email to the correct address with just
the subject line being replicated. But thought I'd ask first if that
is the only way to get the body, by typing in everything that must go
in there.
Oops, reminds me of a Gilda Radner's "never mind" g ... just
learned from Sue about changing the reply address in the Options box,
so this whole thing whole problem has now disappeared. Very neat!