How are you changing the combo box list? On the Value tab of the control?
Are you incrementing the version number of the form each time you publish? If so, what version do the older items show on the Help | About This Form dialog?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
"srm" wrote in message
I'm using XPSP2 / O2003SP2. I have a custom form that I have been
using with no problem. Each month I update the combo boxes default
text to reflect the new month. For some reason, any current contacts
don't see the new entries in the list (e.g., July instead of June) of
the combo boxes. Any new contacts do see the updated entries. I have
republished my form, cleared the cache, published as a different name
and changed forms. No luck.
Any ideas what I can do so my current contacts see the updated data?
Thank you.