GuyFromOz wrote:
I upgraded outlook 2000 (worked perfectly for many years) to 2002
because of sync to my PDA.
Your PDA should have been able to sync with OL2000 as well. Mine does.
Now sending and receiving emails is a
nightmare - it only works sometimes. I'll turn on the computer in the
morning and it works fine. I'll do the same in the afternoon and
outlook can not connect (little yellow warning at bottom right corner
- the connection to server was interupted. It will even happens when
router is out of the loop and I connect directly to the modem. During
this IE works fine surfing the net. I tried inbox repair tool
(scanpst.exe) - no problems found. This is driving me of the edge -
HELP please anyone. Thanks.
I'd start with a new mail profile.
Brian Tillman