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Old July 7th 06, 07:29 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 5
Default OE6, Verizon Email and Telnet

Jim and fellow OE6 Experts,

Sorry to intrude - but I've been trying to troubleshoot OE6
connectivity to my wife's Verizon account and found your name and the
'Telnet' troubleshooting technique from past posts.

Here's the problem - As of a week ago - my wife has been unable to
receive - pull - her email from

Here's the classic error message:
Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC92) :
'Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and
password in your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail
accounts. The server responded: -ERR [AUTH] Authentication failed'

I've tried the Telnet login and I CAN"T telnet in under her account -
but I can telnet with my account. When I telnet here are the messages
I receive for her failure and my success:

Wife's Account - Fail:
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaqtelnet 110

+OK Messaging Multiplexor (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server
6.2-4.02 (built
Sep 9 2005))

+OK Messaging Multiplexor (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server
6.2-4.02 (built
Sep 9 2005))
user bhchurch
+OK password required for user
pass xxxxxx-ERR [AUTH] Authentication failed

My account - Success
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaqtelnet 110

+OK Messaging Multiplexor (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server
6.2-4.02 (built
Sep 9 2005))
user lvdileva
+OK password required for user

pass xxxxxx
+OK Maildrop ready

I've have contacted Verizon 9 times in the past week and all the
assistance I get from them is rechecking out OE6 settings - which are
correct - and the 'can' answer we can't support OE6 - contact Microsoft
- And use our Website (Verizon) for email - which of course - she can
login to just fine!

I have tired everything in the Newsgroup - turned off anti-virus,
delete the inbox.dbx file, changed password, etc, etc, etc.

If I CAN'T telnet in to with her account and I CAN
telnet and my OE6 account connects - does that mean that OE6 is OK -
and that something is wrong on Verizon's side?

Also, I have tried her account on three other PC's with OE6 and get the
same error message!

Any help or information is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time!!! Les DiLeva
