I've tried it all guy's - yes - I have changed the password - mutiliple
times with Verizon on line - and yes - I've double-triple checked while
logging into OE6 and Telnetting. It's really crazy - I'm 100% sure I
have the right username and password everytime I've tried.
Verizon is soooo unhelpful - all they keep telling me is that If I can
log into their web site - Verizon Central fine which I can with my
wife's account - then there is no problem.
They do not wnat to hear that I can't telnet or get in with OE6. It's
really frustrating - I've got 15 plus years of IT desktop, server and
network experience - it's really frustrating when your on the other
side of the fence and they won't ever spend time to level 3 my problem
to see why my wife's account is not Authenticating.
Thanks - let me know if anyone has any other ideas. -Les
Steve Cochran wrote:
The obvious conclusion would be you are using the wrong logon and password
when telnetting and in OE, but are using the correct one for the webmail. I
would triple check that. If you are sure you are using the correct
credentials, then its something on Verizon's side and I would suggest you
try what Norman suggested and ask them to reset the account and start over
with a verified (and written down) username and password, and when you do
that, verify it works before hanging up the phone with them.
"drgeek" wrote in message
Jim and fellow OE6 Experts,
Sorry to intrude - but I've been trying to troubleshoot OE6
connectivity to my wife's Verizon account and found your name and the
'Telnet' troubleshooting technique from past posts.
Here's the problem - As of a week ago - my wife has been unable to
receive - pull - her email from incoming.verizon.net.
Here's the classic error message:
Task 'incoming.verizon.net - Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC92) :
'Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and
password in your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail
accounts. The server responded: -ERR [AUTH] Authentication failed'
I've tried the Telnet login and I CAN"T telnet in under her account -
but I can telnet with my account. When I telnet here are the messages
I receive for her failure and my success:
Wife's Account - Fail:
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaqtelnet incoming.verizon.net 110
+OK Messaging Multiplexor (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server
6.2-4.02 (built
Sep 9 2005))
+OK Messaging Multiplexor (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server
6.2-4.02 (built
Sep 9 2005))
user bhchurch
+OK password required for user
pass xxxxxx-ERR [AUTH] Authentication failed
My account - Success
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaqtelnet incoming.verizon.net 110
+OK Messaging Multiplexor (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server
6.2-4.02 (built
Sep 9 2005))
user lvdileva
+OK password required for user
pass xxxxxx
+OK Maildrop ready
I've have contacted Verizon 9 times in the past week and all the
assistance I get from them is rechecking out OE6 settings - which are
correct - and the 'can' answer we can't support OE6 - contact Microsoft
- And use our Website (Verizon) for email - which of course - she can
login to just fine!
I have tired everything in the Newsgroup - turned off anti-virus,
delete the inbox.dbx file, changed password, etc, etc, etc.
If I CAN'T telnet in to incoming.verizon.net with her account and I CAN
telnet and my OE6 account connects - does that mean that OE6 is OK -
and that something is wrong on Verizon's side?
Also, I have tried her account on three other PC's with OE6 and get the
same error message!
Any help or information is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for your time!!! Les DiLeva
email and