Appending emails to the calendar
Thanks Judy for responding to my post.
Grate, it worked.
I also discovered that I could drag and drop emails (retaining the mails in
the original folder) to the calendar shortcut in the left bottom corner. This
will open the appointments window on which the date could be set and saved.
This method allows me to see the dates to which emails were attached in any
of the views.
By the way I am using outlook 2003
Sincerely hope this info would be beneficial to you.
"Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]" wrote:
Yes. But I don't think you'll like the answer. Tell me what you want to
achieve - maybe there's a better way.
Open the appointment. Insert Item and insert the email.
View the Calendar in By category view and show the Attchment column/field.
There you go now you can see at a glance which meetings have an attachment.
But it's a table stye of view.
"jpreman" wrote in message
Thanks for reading this post.
I want to at times append some of my emails to the calendar and at a
view the dates to which emails had been appended. Is this possible?