From Webopedia: "(1) In e-mail, a redirect is an option found in e-
mail clients that is similar to a forward, with the exception that
the body of the text is not normally shown as quoted text.
Additionally the From (or) Sender field will show the e-mail address
of the original sender, and in brackets it will show your
From Microsoft’s web page concerning “automatically forwarding emails
to another email account” (
us/assistance/HA011502011033.aspx): "* Message redirection**When a
rule automatically redirects a message you receive, it also leaves a
copy in your Inbox or in the folder to which the message was
originally delivered. The rule then sends the message, unchanged, to
the account specified by the rule. To the recipient, the message
appears as though it came directly from the original sender. There is
no indication that the message was delivered by way of your account."
My customer wants to filter his emails using Outlook 2003, then
automatically redirect them to his Blackberry. If you don't have an
Exchange Server (he doesn't), you don't have that option.
This option is readily available on other email clients (Eudora,
Thunderbird), but my customer likes Outlook. My question was whether
Outlook 2007 has added (fixed?) this option in response to requests.
Judging by all the addins for sale, there is a need.
On 09 Jul 2006, William Lefkovics [MVP] wrote in
Fixed? It doesn't sound broken.
What do you mean by 'redirect'?
"Lew" wrote in message
. 3.64...
Presently you can't redirect mail using rules in Outlook 2003
without an Exchange Server. Is this fixed with 2007?