I did the same thing and not only installed the Office Pro Plus 2007 Beta but
the Outlook 2007 beta as well.
I am unable to install Outlook 2007 and get an error message that tells me
some components are missing and to reinstall so I can later uninstall. I
can't even get back to my Office Pro 2000 and I'll probably l;ose all of my
email and contacts.
I tried backing it up (exporting) to a earlier version pst file but since I
can't get rid of the beta I don't know what to do.
I've been to majorgeeks.com and the worldstart message board but could get
no help.
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of Office Pro and Outlook 2007 betas and
get me back to where I started?
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Sam wrote:
oK now that I have someones atteniton. I installed 2007 beta and had
nothing but trouble outlook kept crashing so I removed 2007 beta and
reinstalled my Office 2003 pro. I now am no longer able to open
other users mailbox even though I have full rights to they mailboxes.
(using Exchange 2003)
Now you know why Microsoft says not to install beta software on any machine
where production data resides. If course, you made a backup of your PC
prior to installing, correct? Restore the backup.
Brian Tillman